

New member
My G-meter needs to be rebuilt. I called a local instrument repair facility and was told they are so cheap that they do not work on them. A quick look at Aircraft Spruce showed a price of $450 or so. I would think at that price somebody must rebuild them. Anyone know where I can get this rebuilt or purchase a reconditioned / used unit.
Did you try Keystone Instruments in Lock Haven, PA? I'm not sure if they do g-meters, but they rebuilt a few other instruments for me and I was pleased.

I am not sure what the price will be. I sent it in on Thursday and as of Friday they had not received it. I will check on Monday, they should have received. Once I get a price I will post it.

I had my 3" G meter rebuilt by Century Instruments ( not In a recent trade a plane they list the over haul price as $185. They will also do an exchange for $225. In fact I exchanged mine since it was faster.