Acro/Upset Training


New member
Yo Blokes-

I promissed myself acro/upset training once I hit 500hrs, and complied two weeks ago with a wonderful instructor in El Paso in his 7ECA.
I have never spun an aircraft in 42 years of flying. My first spin, I thought I'd die. Second was a bit better, 3rd better yet. 4-thru-6, sort of fun, but still a bit intimidating.
Loop 1, fabulous. Loops 2-6 amazing. Loved 'em.
Back in April for 4 more hours, this session is pure upset recovery.
Then, to finish off, 4 hours in May for Loops transitioning to Rolls.
Wow !
Jim Robins
Santa Fe
That sure sounds like fun. I'm going to start my acro training in a couple of weeks. What parachute did you end up getting? And from where?

Eli -
My instructor provided the chutes. Do you want me to find out make and model ? They were fairly innocuous back-pack style and reasonable comfortable.
Parachutes in my 8KCAB Super D - I have both a National 425 back pack and a Mini Softie back pack. I find the National to be very uncomfortable and tends to push me too close to the panel, even with the seat all the way back. The Mini Softie back back is much more comfortable from the front seat. The National works fine in the back. In both cases, you need to remove the back seat cushion. I have not tried a seat pack, but as far as back packs go, I would suggest the thinest and softest unit you can find.

My wife and I did a full upset training course (4 hour classroom, ~1 hour air time) last fall with John Dye out of Salem, OH. It was excellent and I highly recommend it. John is a CFI-A who's 'real' job is UA 767 Captain. He does upset/aerobatic training in a Super Decaf but can take you as far as you want in his S2 if that's your bent. John puts on the (free) classroom every 3 or 4 months thru the Wings program, with no obligation to fly. He's got mini-softies, and based on usability on my 6-5 frame, that's what we'll be getting for our airplane. I have no commercial interest in this...he just impressed the heck out of me. Fly safe!

Thanks for the replies. Looks like mini softies may be the way to go. Is there a good place to buy them?

John recommends these folks. They serve the national market, and been around forever.

Hi Guys,
I just finished my aerobatic and recovery from unusual attitude training here in Australia in my 7ECA. I really enjoyed the whole process it took 3 full days with about 10 hours of briefings followed by flights of about 45- 60 minutes. We started with fully exploring the stall, leading into spins and recovery losing minimum altitude. My first spins certainly got my attention!! We then moved on to recovery from unusual attitudes, which I found a real eye opener. Being up side down and pointing at the ground, makes one want to pull back on the stick, and that makes it a whole lot worse!! Your natural reactions are wrong and pushing forward on the stick takes some practise. I was taught Push - Power - Rudder - Roll - Recovery. Sounds easy writing it but it made me work!!! This is without a doubt the best training I have done since learning to fly 25 years ago. It has opened my eyes to a new dimension of flying. I went on to learning all the basic Acro manoeuvres, I feel it has made me a much better pilot and I love the Acros. I feel so lucky to have a Citabria, be it with a small engine but capable of such lovely ability, the Earth looks different through the roof. I just get to spend a little more time getting up there.

For anyone in Victoria Australia I did the training with Jeremy Miller at Lethbridge airfield - I would highly recommend both Jeremy and Lethbridge.

For some reason we don't have to wear parachutes over here? It does make you careful with the aircraft.
Bernie, good to hear that you did all that with Jeremy.

PS - Jock still has those landing gear steps in his hangar if you want them?
Thanks, I was talking to the guy who use to own the aircraft and he had the original ones so they are back on the aircraft, so no need. But thanks for the offer.
