ADS B WAAS transponders?


New member
Who's been doing research on this dreaded topic? I started poking around a few months ago simply because the mechanical switches in my Terra transponder are getting old (corroded?) and are sticking more frequently. Annoying but the actual transponder still works well and uses very little panel space.I know I'll have to face the music soon and there's the FAA 2020 deadline for ADS B compliance coming down the track. Since I'm in the (relatively speaking) east I have a fair amount of traffic and class D and greater airspace to contend with, so I'm toying with the in & out offerings.
I have gotten good recommendations on the following boxes (transponders) supposedly with all the squitters, etc that will be required for 2020 compliance;

TRIG TT22. Very small panel space needed and a nice operational track record in the UK.

ICOM IC-A220. Good company record for reliability. About "slimline" radio sized.

Garmin. Been touted at a Fly-in nearby but I don't have information about ADS-B compliance.

Appareo. Recently announced the Stratus ESG to work with the StratusIIS for us ForeFlight addicts.

Any words of wisdom or general kibitzing?
I'm installing a Appareo Stratus in a 182. So far I got 14 hrs in this and I figure 2/3 done. Not impressed with it so far , they included no install instructions. I had to download a pdf. file at my expense and of course all sorts of apologies. I talked to these folks at OSH again not impressed. I like the 978UAT from NavWorx its a blind ADS-B just right for the crate. I became a dealer but that I felt was a sells pitch. We got 3 years yet and that is at least 3 life times computer wise so I will wait. I'm sure some firm will come out with a game changer and then I will make my decision. I'm from the GOVT and here to help you. Things change sometimes very quickly. Lynn the crate :roll:
I think Lynn is on the right track with waiting, but it is never quite as simple as I wish it was. The VOR based IFR capability, and single com that my Cruisemaster has, is a problem. I file a nice VOR to VOR flight plan. While in route ATC will ask if I have GPS. I will answer that my GPS is VFR only, there is a pause, and ATC will say they are routing me south of my expected course out of their airspace and I get a nice tour of the southern states when I wanted to go to Minnesota. I am considering putting in a Garmin 630 this winter with the remote Garmin transponder to be added later closer to 2020. Then I can route direct and fly a GPS approach at most of the small airports. The price of these is utterly ridiculous.
I'm with the above. I'll wait. The technology will get better and cheaper with time.
I have heard good things about the Garmin in/out. I believe it is only a few hundred dollars more than the stratus box. If the install really takes 20 hours for the stratus then the garmin is probably worth it.
Learned something. There are two ICAO codes Oct and Hex. Go to the N# Google and it will show your code. One is 8 digit the other 6. Lynn the crate :shock:The 182 install went fine. A bit new to program as it asks for length and width of the plane, it also asks how far back the GPS antenna is on the fuselage and if its on the centerline, all this crap in meters. I was most impressed with Navworx and Dallas Avionics. these boys seemed to be there to help, the others could give a damn. They just wanted to sell their units and all dealer installs. Nav and Dallas said any A&P with the right tools could do this legally. I liked that. :D
I drove down to Sporty's this weekend to check out the new transponders and radio's they have out, I was planning on purchasing one for the plane, the owner walked up and asked what I was wanting to install it into, I told him a 14-13 and he laughed and said I need to find a carpenter to cut it up and burn it for fire wood, I just turned and walked away figured I will find one some where else! Maybe I just met him on a bad day? But I know I will never set foot in there again!
lwford said:
Learned something. There are two ICAO codes Oct and Hex. Go to the N# Google and it will show your code. One is 8 digit the other 6.

It's actually the same number, in two different formats. The code is 24 bits long (16777216 possibilities), which can either be described in 8 octal (numbers 0-7) or 6 hexadecimal (numbers 0-15, where 10-15 are replaced by A, B, C, D, E, and F) digits. I have no idea why they couldn't settle on one or the other as an input mechanism and avoid all the confusion. I'm pretty sure my GDL-88 even allows either input mechanism, just to add to the confusion :).
tjbell said:
he laughed and said I need to find a carpenter to cut it up and burn it for fire wood

Eeeks. That certainly isn't the way to get new business. The 14-13 is on Trig's STC and I'm pretty sure it's on Garmin's STC, so it's not even like there's extra paperwork for some of the common options.
I just had a Garmin GTX 345 installed. Pricey BUT, has ADS receive with display on the 430W, and wireless to Foreflight on my iPad.

There's less expensive options but since my stack is all Garmin anyway, seemed like the right thing to do.. sets itself to xmit when it sees you take off, and turns itself off when you land. Timers and such.. really nice.
