Advice on replacing weatherstripping/door/window seal


New member

I just got some half round door/window seal from ACA. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to replace the door and window seals? Do they get cut and mitered at the corners? Any suggestions for applying the adhesive? Any thoughts, no matter how trivial or obvious they may seem to you, would be appreciated.


I worked on this a a few months ago. Requires lots of patience :lol: I cleaned off the old glue with 3M Adhesive Remover, then used 3M 1300L to glue the new half round weatherstrip. 1300L is quite a bit stronger than Super Weatherstrip Adhesive. Unfortunately 1300L is yellow in color, rather than black, but if you use a small paint brush to apply it, it should look good.

I simply cut the ends square with a pair of scissors, but it might look better with 45 deg. angles.

Let us know how it works out for you.