Aeromatic prop backplate/spindle and/or spinner drawings.


New member
Thanks to all who helped me with gathering information to install my new (to me!) Aeromatic prop. I am also having LOTS of support from Mr. Tarver (and son) from
GREAT people!

What I need now is help to either buy or build a backplate/spindle combo for the spinner that I already have. The spinner is the one with a hole at the tip for some sort of 'screw that goes into the spindle'. No image available...

Questions are:
Is anybody willing/able to sell those goodies to me?
Does anybody have drawings that I can buy?
Does anybody know whom could build those pieces for me?

As it is, my A&P friend has all the documentation available from the club and Mr. Tarver to familiarize himself with what is coming. But I don't want to move forward with the prop until the spinner thingy is sorted out...