affordable planes


New member
One of the reasons I have a Bellanca is because one of my friends is an AI and also knows wood very well. He has restored a couple of stermans and a few other older airplanes. When I started looking and found this Cruiseair in Florida he told me he would teach me how to work on it. I am a 1 man Airconditioning Co. and Have limited funds and a VERY understanding wife. We built a home inside a 55x60 Hangar so I could aford the airplane and have a place to work on it. If I had to pay a shop to do my repairs I would be a renter pilot right now. Life is goog :eek: :eek: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll:
Randy, I love your Texas interpretation of the facts of life nowadays that took me paragraphs to spit out in another topic :)
