aileron cable


New member
in the most recent bellanca-champion club magazine there,s 2 articles that are vague. one deals with crimps on the aileron cable and the other with lycoming ad2005-19-11. are these items that we must pay for? if not, does american champion and lycoming pay? would appreciate any help.
If its out of warranty, then no.
If its in warranty, Jerry Sr has not worked out the details yet and likely won't until the cable crimp AD is actually issued.

Actually, airplanes out of warranty that make it back to the factory will likely get the inspection free or for a low flat rate. Obviously, this is easy for some and tough for most. Talk to the dealer too; I gave them a heads up on the item and told them to refine their techniques so that its cost effective and fast.

Basically, we don't really agree that this item needs to be AD'd; so there is turmoil in supporting it. I wish I had more details to give you.

I can't speak for Lycoming.

More information on the proposed cable crimp AD would be apreciated, is it all crimps, expected compliance time, what is the concern?

Dear Tom:

Neither have I; Postal Service is not what it used to be! Couple of people I spoke with just received theirs yesterday, so give it a few more days. Let me know if you don't have it by Monday.

Okay, we made a last minute tweak to service letter 427, but that means I can release it.

It is now posted on the ACA website.

The AD will prohibit acrobatic flight until the nicopress sleeves are checked. It will allow several hours of Normal Catagory operation, as in, fly to get it checked.

Basically, only LOW TIME airplanes are affected. You heard me; low time. Sounds weird, but high time airplanes would already have encountered an issue. I think the AD will match the Service Letter of 250 hours or less.

All the of the sleeves are fairly easy to get to, except the aileron bell crank ones. Plan on getting 2 inspection hole covers for that hole. I told someone here at ACA, to write up some shop notes and I would post those too. They would be 'unofficial' but they would still be good tips. Hopefully they can get to it.