aileron spades for Decathlon

I am looking for info on where to buy a set of aileron spades for a 72 Decathlon.
I see many 8KCAB's with spades mounted on them but cannot find an STC or figure out what company
makes and sells them. I know Olin Pash does them for Citabria's but not Decathlon.

Looking at the FAA database I see two STC listed for aileron spades on the 8KCAB.
SA2228NM owned by Don Jackman of Riverside, CA
SA1448NM owned by Rodney Ross of Vancouver, WA

Found one more old STC for aileron spades, SA5523SW which belonged to Marion Cole, but since 1990 it is now with American Champion Aircraft. Many of the older Decathlons have spade kits with this STC number.
Thanks for all the good info. I will call ACA and try and buy a set from them. If they can't sell me spades
because of my wing i will have to try something else!!

I don't see how the wing spar matters... the plan form and dimensions are the same... at least until you get to the Xtreme and the Lightweight Super D. As are the load factors.