Airbox and scoop for Cruisair


New member
Hey everybody! I need a serviceable or at least repairable carburetor airbox and the intake scoop for a 14-13. I have given up trying to come up with an approvable air filter setup that I like so I will need to go back to the original configuration. I'll come up with a filter system later. I will buy it or trade a serviceable Stinson 108-3 airbox for the original Bellanca airbox. I also need the little tiny fairleads that the flap cables run through under the forward spar. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I would love a copy of that BA8 paperwork as well if it's not a problem. My email is

Additionally, I may have an original airbox but won't be home until this weekend to verify. I will keep all posted.

Thank you in advance.

Hi Larry-
I believe I already got your airbox drawings. It's a good system but requires some fabrication that can only be done accurately on the completed airplane. I will probably use it later but right now I just need to get the airplane together and flyable. Then I'll go back and start modifying things.