Aircraft Jack


New member

I have a 1980 7ECA and would like to purchase a jack to change the main gear tires. Can anyone direct me in the right direction as to where to purchase one. I checked on Aircraft Spruce and they had three different ones and I was unsure as to which one to buy.

I just purchased on e-bay a jack pad that slips onto the spring gear leg. It is smaller at the bottom and locks onto the gear leg and accepts any kind of jack. Cost less than $30.00.

Thanks Ron,

I checked around and found what I need but your price is the lowest I have seen. I will check e-bay.

Here you go.

I made one with aluminum, steel, and AN-3 bolts. It will not slip up the gear leg, and is small enough to not affect the brake line.
There is another type that fits on the lift strut ears, but I am not sure it works so well on airplanes with speed fairings.
Why dont you just jack it at the strut to fuselage attachment instead?
You can't change your through-bolts with any jacks that lift the leg.

The ACA jack adapter is for this attach point. Just add jack. :)
I am sorry, I dont.

Its smaller than your fist, but plenty heavy.
Its basically a short steel tube to fit over the jack end. The tube is cut at an angle equal to the strut attachment shear plate. Then a flat plate is welded on the angled tube. At the bottom of the plate, a hooked section to catch the shear plate. The sides are flanged to help hold it fore and aft.

Hope that helps
Next time I am over at the hangar, (and if I remember), I can take a picture of mine (I got them from ACA).
