Airspeed Indicator Problem


New member
On my last two flights in my 7ECA, I noticed the airspeed indicator was slow coming off the peg during the takeoff. Today I held the airplane on the ground until it started indicating. I estimate that it was around 60-65 Mph when the needle came off the peg. Once it came off the peg, it indicated fine, climb, stall, approach speeds were all right where they should be.

I haven't flown it in rain, it is hangared and the pitot/static tubes are covered. May be some dirt or a chunk of bug partially blocking something?

Any ideas?


I'd recommend you have your AME/ A&P disconnect the pitot line on the back of the indicator then blow out the line to ensure it's clear of bugs and debris. If that doesn't solve it you're in need of an instrument repair/ overhaul.

