all checked out! and a call to ACA


New member
After getting my tailwheel endorsement in a 79 7GCBC and my 10 hours in for insurance reasons I got a chance to fly the rental Citabria out on a cross country to a nice little grass field in Oklahoma Saturday.

A good day was had, and man, there is nothing like flying in and out of a 2100 foot turf field to leave you with smiles.

After I landed back at home base, while I was taxiing back to parking, I had one of the 5 inch springs on the tailwheel steering horn pop loose. A pair of pliers and it was soon hooked back up good as new but it made me think.

What'd I do if this had happened at O44 earlier in the day. A quick call to the folks at ACA (after lunch, the day before a major holiday) and they still had folks in the parts department. I've got a pair of springs to go in my bag, and will toss a pair of pliers in just in case this happens again. Kudos to the friendly staff at ACA today.

So, other than a roll of duct tape, what else would YOU carry in your bag to get you back home if need be?
