An East Coast Bellanca-Champion Fly-In ??


New member
I have spoken with Scott Thomas a few times recently and he has mentioned that he is pondering the idea of having a gathering of the clan at the airport he has a business at in south central Virginia; Twin County AP (KHLK). Approx 5 NE of Galax, VA and 45-50 NNW of Winston-Salem, NC. What a great idea. I know of 2 or 3 other Cruisairs within 40-50 miles of Greenville, SC and I've heard rumors of a couple more. There has to be 2 or 3 times that in the 3 or 4 eastern states around Virginia. Might even have interested airplanes beyond that ??

I'm just helping Scott break the ice with this idea on the forum. I know he has floated the idea with Robert Szego. If you see this and also think you would be interested in a group hug this side of the Mississippi and more central than PA > chime in, this has potential.

I have discussed this with Scott, but noted that Witmer's has already spoken for this year. I am awaiting word on this, but if it doesn't pan out, we will meet in Hillsville.
Great! Even if Tom's is on this year we can start rattling the can for a future location. Let's see now if we get any more interest in this post.
This just started with an idle comment or two to Jeff to see about meeting some "local" triple tail flyers. I'm pretty much open to suggestions and don't feel that we must lock it into Twin County Airport if others think there's a better/more central field. I'm also in the EAA chapter here on the field and they like to kick in and help with this sort of stuff.
Talk it up; let's see what interest there is.

I would be interested in a close by fly-in. I'm up closer to DC and would like to connect with other East Coast aircraft. Currently have 1 1/2 Cruisair projects in the hangar and at this point I'm really interested in just getting a nice flying Cruisemaster. Anyone know of anything for sale East of the Mississippi?

John King
As my friend says Everything is for Sale you just need to show enough money! Give me 45k and it's yours. Lynn the crate :wink:
if as previously suggested, that last year may be Tom Whitmer's final Bellanca East Coast flyin. Is there any interest in having it anywhere else on the east coast?
What about trying a Bellanca-Champion fly-in joint with the Triple-Tree crowd during their annual fly-in in September or their fabric & tailwheel fly-in in June ? Check out for info.