Annual Inspection Checklist

Jonathan Baron

New member
My 14-19 is undergoing an annual at the moment. The folks doing it are smart, have worked on my airplane very competently, and can probably figure out what to do based on the logs of previous annuals. Still, I could *swear* I saw a checklist posted here awhile back but, despite some hunting and employing the search function, I cannot find it.

Does anyone have one handy?

Sorry, JB, but I don't have a checklist for you. It is good however, to have you back on the forum. A lot of us were worried that you had been eaten by aligators or some other bad thing. :D
JB I have a checklist original from Bellanca. Give me your address and I will mail it to you. Lynn the crate :)
Thanks guys!

Russell sent me one for the -2 with a supplement to cover my the poor guy got stuck annualing it last year :cry: Different firewall forward and different trim tab AD among other things.

If anyone needs one of the -2 I now have one in electronic form courtesy of Mr. Williams.

Yes if you could send it to me that would be great, long way from it but then I also know what they are looking at. trying to learn everything about it. Ours is a 14-13 also.
Just to clarify things so that everyone gets what they need here:

Lynn - what aircraft does that checklist you got from Bellanca cover specifically?

Oldcarz - do you want Lynn to send you what he has, or do you want me to pass along the electronic version of the one for the 14-19-2 that Russell Williams sent to me? None of the FWF stuff would apply to a Cruisair. Heck none of the FWF material applies to my 14-19 either. Fortunately for me, and most unfortunately for Russell, he peformed last year's annual on my airplane and thus could include a pertinent supplement for the unfortunate fellow who's doing it this time :lol:

JB,The form I have is BAC 97 from Bellanca Aircraft. It lists 25/50/100/ hr and periodic. A general form single page but quite conclusive.I have no idea of the date it was made but I use it as a good guide. Lynn :)
Ah - got it, Lynn; thanks!

Russell sent me a multipage form for inspection and another multipage form for all the ADs. My FWF ADs are different, of course but, apart from the prop (oy vey, the prop) they're not a big deal.

So far so good, except for one of those smack-your-forehead ones. The ELT...we all check the date on the battery but it never occurred to me to see if the damned thing actually doesn't :oops: :roll: :D

With most electronics the first thing you do when it's not working is probably a bad idea to do to an ELT.

Yeah, ELT another Government mandate. Sure worked for Steve Fossett didn't it! He had two of them. All because a guy named Boggs a member of the political elite IE Congress deep sixed up in 'Alaska, a long time ago. General aviation is dying because of all the BS that the Govt mandates. I sure wish AOPA and EAA would focus on the root of the problem Govt BS and very high costs. Remember the lawyer product liablity thing that was suppose to save General Aviation? Don't hear about that do you. You can buy a LSA for 120k that performs almost as well as a 12k Cessna 150. The Govt does not want a Cessna 150 as a LSA do they. Old age venting again but I have been in this game for years. I really don't see any YOUNG aircraft owners all old men like me. Lynn the crate :cry:
Yeah, that was one of the whack-you-over-the-head things at Sun N Fun: the advanced age of just about everybody. As one guy put it, "In a hundred years people'll think it was really weird that people once flew themselves around in little airplanes."
Hi Jonathan,
Glad you're back. You were missed!!
I have my anal retentive 9 page Cruisair annual checklist with drawings and recurring AD's if you or anyone else wants it. You could use it as a basis to put one together for a Cruismaster. I made it specifically for my plane by using FAR 43, App D, the Bellanca Cruisair manual, and other peole and mechanics check lists.
Sounds exactly like the sort of thing Oldcarz is looking for, Larry.

Yeah, this blue cave visit was too long and, I must admit, scary. It's a bit of a shock when you discover one day that, for some reason you cannot fathom, getting up after getting kicked to the curb just ain't happening as it did not long ago. Damn, you think, this is a get-up-after-getting-kicked-to-the-curb world. Had to take a moment.

I'm serious about flying to Columbia and taking Robert along. After the somewhat grave tone of the paragraph above I hesitate to say that I'm going to take Robert with me :D

You'll be there, of course, won't you Larry ;)

Larry, could I get a copy of your Cruisair checklist and the ADs? If you have them electronically, you can simply email them to me at: My wife is visiting our daughter in Wisconsin for a week so I am making good progress on my 14-13-2. Still a long way to go but I will stay at it until it is in the air.
As some folks noted the checklist and AD list I sent folks who asked had plenty of 14-19 and -2 specific stuff but, like all annual checklists, most of it is the mundane no-duh stuff that apply to all annual checklists for all aircraft.

What helped me specifically was that Russell wrote notes pertinent to my airplane that were not included in the regular checklist - stuff there was no point in passing along to anyone but my mechanic - things he noticed that don't ground an airplane, but are wise to check at annual time. My mechanic took heed of those, plus I watched the annual closely for the first time and compiled a group for next year. Most mechanics reasonably want to get it done and on its way. Well, my 'Master turned 59 during this annual, and all of them have fallen some distance from the tree. Thus no generic list can signify. The logs only tell you what was checked and addressed, not what you should be watching.

The only reason I state what may seem like the utter obvious is that this past year was the first year out of eight that I've had a reliable Cruisemaster. I was too ignorant at first to know it was a hangar queen. No big deal. Aviation is too young an endeavor to have a human gene associated with it. However the fact that I started a topic asking for a checklist after owning it for eight years doesn't mean anything good :oops:

Most of you are certainly faster learners than I, or were smart from the start. You probably already have a checklist with your N-number on it. If not, do it during your next annual. That will probably be the only sound Bellanca machinery advice I will ever offer :lol:

Good news is that it passed, we replaced some iffy stuff, I've got a watch list, and it's in great shape, meaning that things are a go for dragging Robert with me to Columbia unless I break something tuning myself up high winds (did plenty of that lately) and getting night current. That's the one thing I don't like about Triple Tails: they're not the wonderful crosswind airplanes that Luscombes are. Not a fair comparison. Luscombes can handle crosswinds that will park a tricycle gear airplane. I don't know of an aircraft that handles them better actually, but I digress and this ain't a Luscombe forum.

Larry Lowenkron, I was looking at the 337 you sent me for the wing tip strobes and was intrigued by the 13 items that were on the addendum for that bird. Do you have the complete 337s with addendums electronically? I am actually doing 10 of the thirteen items on his addendum so if I could get the whole thing, it would be great!