Another Aeromatic Prop question.

Gary Brink

New member
I got my Aeromatic propeller back with new blades and a fresh overhaul from Kent Tarver a few months ago. It is currently hanging on the wall of my garage waiting for me to finish the project. In visiting with Cy the other day, he mentioned that I might want to contact Kent to see what I might need to do to keep the seals, etc. from drying out while the rest of the bird is under restoration. I have not been able to reach Kent so I'm putting it out here to you folks who have plenty of knowledge about darned near everthing. :D Do I need to do anything with it or will it be OK for a year to so?
Gary,somewhere in the past I have seen the statement that the prop should be stored flange down, and should be rotated every 30 days( briefly turned upside down) so that oil gets back on the seals. It seems to make sense.___Grant.
OK, guys, I got the word from the man himself. Kent Tarver called me and told me that the prop is fine on the wall, but it really should be turned over once or twice a month. He also said that the seals in it are new and that they should be fine for the time that it has hung there.
Now, I'll need to devise a system where I can turn it rather than to remove the lag screws holding it, turn it over, and reinstall the lags. :(