Bellanca-Champion Club Fly-In


Those of you who flew in the Bellanca-Champion Club West Coast Fly-In may want to see the video I shot. It’s on

I tried to get a shot of every plane there and to the best of my knowledge I only missed one plane. For those of you who missed the fly-in it was an outstanding event! Try to make it next year.

Frank Holbert
I have uploaded several still pictures and three videos of the Miller's event in Plainview TX last weekend. We flew in from SoCal and it was well worth it. What a great time, the Texas BBQ alone was worth the trip.

So why am I posting this is the Citabria / Decathlon / Scout Forum? Because there was one there. Not sure which one it was but you'll see it taxi by.

Click on "Our Trips" then "Plainview"

Frank Holbert