Bellanca Flight Instructors


New member
I noticed some expression about a lack of experienced flight instructors for Bellanca aircraft. Maybe we could use this thead to promote Bellanca qualified instructors around the country. I’ll chime in to offer services in the Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin area. I’m based at C55. I’ve owned a 14-19-2 for the last 20+ years. I have given instruction in Continental and Lycoming powered Vikings. I operate a small light sport flight school at C55 using an Aeronca Champ. I have thousands of hours of instructional experience in everything from Rotex powered stuff through corporate jets. I'm a former designated examiner. I’m happy to help. Email me at or M815 546-3213. Are there any other instructors lurking in the shadows that can chip in? Maybe we can organize a structured program for flight reviews/checkouts for club instructors and members.
This is an important topic. I've seen several accidents in the last two years caused by inexperience, ineptness, and overconfidence. Just last week a 230 Cruisemaster was damaged by a new owner who declined flight instruction from another Cruisemaster owner.
I am also a certificated flight instructor and former pilot examiner. I am available in the Southwest.

It left the runway at BZN and went nose down in the dirt, with enough energy to get the spinner, as well as the prop.