Bellanca's Golden Age


New member
For my birthday my wife Mary gave me a new book about Bellanca's, titled "Bellanca's Golden Age" by Allen Abel and and his mother, Drina Elch Abel. It was publised in 2004 by Wild Canyon Books.

It's full of pictures and is well written. i tried to take a picture but the file is still too large.

she also gave me a new jacket that is blue, the same color as my bellanca and my rv. now i match my airplanes. it was 50% off at land's end.

I reviewed this book three or four years ago for the club. There are several books that touch the history of Bellanca, a good one is "Delaware Aviation History" by George Frebert. I have a running bet with John Underwood that my CH will fly before his book about Bellanca gets published. He started it when GM was still alive.
Thanks for the reading material recommendations, I found a copy of Delaware's aviation history on ebay, look forward to reading.