Best/Safest Bug Remover/Cleaner


New member
I just bought a 1992 Super Decathlon. I would welcome suggestions on the best and safest clearner to use for removal of bugs from the wing.
Congratulations! I have a 2008 Super Decathlon. I think you will love the plane. Upon my purchase, I received advise about using Bugs Be Gone by Sea Foam for stubborn bugs. Personally, I use a spray bottle with simple water to spray the bugs after each flight before I push the plane back into the hanger. I find that I can then easily wipe them off with a soft cotton cloth before I close the hanger door. I would suggest using the softest cotton detailing cloths you can find. I use Meguiar's Quick Detailer to clean between general soap and water washings. I use Multi-cleaner Eliminator 3 to clean the underside and around the exhaust pipe and follow by Meguiar's to remove any residue. Prist on the windows being absolutely certain that any dirt is washed off first to prevent any scratches while cleaning with the softest aviation windshield wipes you can find. I use windshield wipes from Dupont or CleenShield A cleaning cloths (an ultramicrofiber material designed for aircraft windows). The system has worked very well for me.
I would like to second the advice to remove the bugs when the they are fresh. As pointed out they come off very easy with water and a clean rag when they are fresh. Once they are dried on it takes a lot more work and there is a greater chance of paint damage. Good Luck with your new plane.
I use this stuff (PS Paint Gloss) for cleaning off bugs off the airframe with a microfiber cloth. It's a touch up, water based wax, so it takes a little bit to get the bugs off, but it leaves the surface nice and shiny afterwards.

I use Plexus on the canopy with a fresh microfiber cloth. Once the microfiber cloth has been use a few times on the canopy and starts to show some dirt, I'll rotate it to clean the rest of the airframe - ie the wings.

I have a 2004 Super D, and live in MN, where the airplane often lands carrying its own weight in mosquitoes. A friend recommended Wipe & Shine, made by Eagle One, to get them off. I bought some in my local auto parts store, and went out to the hangar. I found some bug remains that had been dried on the paint for a couple of weeks, used the Wipe & Shine, and they came off with a minimum of effort. Easy on, easy off, leaves the wax shine intact. Good stuff, I recommend it...