Beware of spammer scams.

Gary Brink

New member
Be aware that the spammers who invaded our forum are now trying to scam us. I have been advertising for a used transponder on the fly market and you would be amazed how many people now have one for sale even though their English is so poor it is barely legible. :evil: I also have received a couple of very reasonable offers for people living on our continent. :)
It's been whacky-intense and the volume just keeps going up - people manually creating accounts here from all over the planet, all with web links back to really strange sites, most claiming interests in sports, health, finance...stuff so un-triple tail like you know it's copied from a script. The head scratcher for me was that most of these don't spam the forums...I was wondering what else they were up to. All you can do is zap the bastids, their link spamming topics, and so forth.

As I said in an earlier topic, the economy must be far, far worse beyond our shores than here if armies of people, rather than bots, are manually doing this stuff. Even the slime on the bottom of the tank is starving. No big deal really for us as I hope most folks are aware of the rarely subtle signs of these scams. Ah...for the good old days when the only people you needed to avoid were all based in Florida.

That was more nostalgia than accusation or accurate commentary, Gary. Yeah, it did seem like whenever I put a "Wanted" ad in, say, Barnstormers (did it for hubs for my prop for example), I'd get a call from some guy in Florida...

"I've got what you want."

"And what would that be?"


"I've got those prop hubs you want."

"Got serial numbers?"

[short shouting rant about how DARE I question his integrity....he's been in aviation for 30 years!!] followed by -click-

"I've got what you want."

"Yeah, I know...the stuff dreams are made of." - click-

Then there were the Floridian O-435 cylinders and they really were cylinders for a Lycoming O-435…cheap, except the shipping of course. What I didn’t know was that lots of those old military surplus O-435s are used in Florida…on air boats. Let’s just say that ECI went through a bunch of used jugs for my engine before they found six to overhaul and apply their splendid Cermi-Nil process to. The batch I bought was not among them.

During the tear-down inspection of my engine following the landing-gear-that-would-now-lower adventure, the mechanic found an odd accessory gear begging for permanent retirement. As it was unique to the A series, this time I said to hell with the ads. I called Emperor Pontius. That’s my name for Al Pontius, ruler of the Cruisemaster spare parts information Empire. His wife just loves it when I phone Al, she answers, and I ask for an audience with the Emperor…well NOW she finds it amusing…she damned near hung up on me the first time. “Al – I think it’s one of those BELLANCA PEOPLE!!”

Meanwhile my mechanic phoned saying he found the part.

“Is it from a guy in Florida by any chance?”



“Huh…I don’t see why…”

“DON’T ASK ME WHY!” I had no time to explain the concept of if-then statements to this man as I drove over Stephens Pass to meet a fellow in a diner in a small town on the other side who slipped me the gear after I slipped him the cash. Sure it sounds like a dope deal but it was the right part, it was a good part, and it’s working just dandy now in my engine. But the deal didn’t happen in Florida.

The mechanic went ahead and bought the gear from the Floridian. I don’t have to tell you the rest. I said I wasn’t paying for it. He billed my insurance. I asked if he planned to retire and move to Florida.

It all seems kind of innocent now compared to the scams that followed…the phony cashier’s checks from Nigeria, the good checks pilots sent to people with phony names who vanished…the bizarre pleas of all sorts, promising all manner of money if only you’d send along a certain sum – usually involving large inheritances that would come to the email sender if only he could afford a small fee to pay the lawyer, and so on.

It reminds me of when the more horrifying issue facing the country was a President who messed around with an intern and lied about it. Yeah, it was appalling but GAWD I MISS THOSE DAYS.
