Brake fluid hose separation

Stan Johnson

New member
I have a 2005 8KCAB purchsed new,now with 330 hours. This past weekend while taxiing, in a stiff crosswind, the clear hose feeding brake fluid to the right brake cyclinder came loose from its attacment at the reservoir "T" fitting located high on the cabin side of firewall - emptying the hose contents and reservoir on the carpet and heel pad.

Upon inspection, the hose appears to be too short and had no clamp or zip-tie; just slipped onto a barbed fitting. It seems that the extended taxi with full right rudder was enough to pull it off the fitting.

Anyone else had this happen? Those of you with similar planes should probably inspect your system for hose tension at full rudder deflection

Any recommendations other than a longer hose?

Stan Johnson
One more thing; I got a close look at the firewall heater damper for the "front" heater as I was cleaning up the brake fluid mess. Does anyone know of an effective closure device for this damper? Even in the closed position it doesn't come close to actually sealing - this has to add much unwanted heat to the cabin in warm weather flying.
Yes, this happened to me a couple of times in my 05 Super D. Called factory, ordered new brake lines and asked Dale for the lengths of the lines.

I thought I was kicking off the brake lines getting out of the plane, but turns out, the old brake line was becoming brittle. I have had no further problems since replacing the lines
Yeah, after time the surgical tubing gets hard and doesnt stick on the barbs as well as new. Lifespan varies with conditions.
Its not really a modification to throw a zip tie around the barbed section and pull it tight...will buy a few more years.
Also, the hoses are not expensive.