breaking in an engine...


New member
Hello all...

Look like I may be trading in my 7ECA for a 7GCBC that has had the engine rebuilt and upgraded to a 160 hp. It only has 10 hours on it and I believe the oil used right now is 15W50. Is that a good oil for breaking in a new engine?



Ft Smith, NT
You should be using Mineral Oil up through the first oil change...usually up through 2 oil changes.

Also, make sure the engine is run harder than normal. i.e. maintain a lower altitude for denser air and higher throttle settings. This helps seat the rings and the engine will burn less oil over its life span. However, the best time to do this is in the first 10 hours.

Yes the edit works now Bob!! :)
"Aeroshell 100" is not descriptive enough.
They make both a Mineral and an Ashless Dispersant (sp)

I think its a blue bottle in Aeroshell.
I can't check whats out on the floor, because we use Castrol now. hehe
"Spare the rod and spoil the child",all the cylinder man. recommend at leat 75% power for the first hr. of break-in after that vary the power.Most experienced mechanic's with tell you to run the "h_ _" out of it to seat the rings. The ideal thing to have is an engine monitor, the CHT's are probably going to start off around 420 and as the rings seat you will actually see the CHT's drop on each cylinder if the rings seat. Most of this will happen in the first hr. of break-in. We've been working with a set of cylinders,I want call the brand but we have been unable to get the rings to really seat in them since having them reworked,steel cylinders,"very hard" and chrome rings. Aeroshell mineral oil does have a blue cap I believe.any way the rings should be seated in your engine "almost " with 10 hrs..High oil temps and oil that gets real black very quick are good signs the rings might not be seated.

another way to verify proper ring seal (and good for troubleshooting) is to measure crankcase pressure at full power. "easiest" way is with a oil filler cap with an airspeed indicator and I think that the pressure should be less than about 3 inches of water (that is a TCM value and about 68 knots airspeed).
