Bring Forth the Avatars

Jonathan Baron

New member

This Forum allows you to attach tiny photos of yourself (Avatars, in the parlance of the Internet) to your profile which show up when you post. As I understand it, this capability is for Club members only. Yes, it's a pain to cull a 80x80 pixels portion of a photo of you. My Avatar, for example, is a wee portion of a photo of me with my entire Cruisemaster.

Unfortunately the avatar upload page in profile edit claims that avatar functionality is disabled.
Hmmmm....I'll leave it to Robert to explain. The Avatar feature only works for Club Members and I'm well aware you are one, Russell, as well as a contributor to the Newsletter (I'm sure members here will recall Russell's article on Cruisemaster rigging in the last issue [shameless plug for Newsletter]). The voodoo I do not do that Robert does so well is understand how the forum software knows who is a member and who is not.

Dear Russell:

Your membership is now noted; you should be able to Avatar, Attach and do other sordid things :D

All others: Please read the Announcement. I made a quick pass on the list to authenticate current members, but could not find all. Enter your member ID in the UCP (user Control Panel) and let me know.

Thanks. Hope y'all are having fun while two feet of snow imprison my magic carpet :cry:
Thanks. I suggest that the avatar error message should indicate that member ID number is required to enable the functionality if that was the trigger.
I give up - I can't make a headshot that's only 6k in size without destroying the resolution to a unrecognizable blob. Nice idea, but how about raising the file size limit to something reasonable like 16K?
OK, Russell and Jonathan:

I have seen the errors of my way and increased Avatar size to 24k. Your knowledgeable suggestions are most welcome.

Hey, I worked mighty hard to create my barely recognizable glob of pixels. Now that I see the Avatar that actually looks like Russell, perhaps I will try again :D

Oh, and Robert, I think it's safe to say that all of us here own airplanes we're proud of. Even with the new limit, I don't think that the pilot with the airplane included can do justice to either :mrgreen:

Im' with Monti. No luck in posting Avatar. I am no computer wiz so I guess I will stay out of sight. Lynn :mrgreen:
I like that new emoticon with the green face and the big teeth too, Lynn. Perhaps that, or one of those angry guys with the pointed ears you punctuate so many of your posts with, should be your Avatar :p

Apparently you have to put your member number into the "User Control Panel" before avatars are allowed.
Robert, the Announcement that I can find does not mention avatars specifically, especially the seeming requirement that you must enter a member number in order to have an avatar. You might want to make this more explicit in the announcement.
lwford said:
JB I would if I could but I can't! LYNN :mrgreen:
Lynn: Send me a picture that you would like to use and I'll take care of it for you tomorrow.

rw_flyer said:
Robert, the Announcement that I can find does not mention avatars specifically, especially the seeming requirement that you must enter a member number in order to have an avatar. You might want to make this more explicit in the announcement.
Russell: Done. You guys are tough on me :shock: but I love youse guys anyway. Actually, I appreciate the feedback and suggestions - thanks.
Online software launches are always a b*tch, Robert. Do not be downhearted. This is a far better system with far more capability, and I really appreciate your hard and often bedeviling work making this happen :)
