bushwheels on 7gcbc


New member
I'm looking at putting the big tires on a 7gcbc. I've been told the 31 inch bushwheels would be a good choice. If anyone has any previous experience doing this any advice would be appreciated before buying. I'm in South Dakota, not tundra stuff. Not sure if need to go with bigger tailwheel or does the stock tail wheel work fine with bigger tires.
To put the bushwheels on you have to upgrade to double puck brakes for the STC to be legal. To put the double puck brakes on you can get the approval drawing from American Champion. For the Drawing to be legal you have to put Scout Axles on. I did this last year on my 7GCBC. I have all the info if you wish. BTW I put on Alaska Bushwheel 29".
Yeah, few years ago we worked with AK Bushwheel to make sure our systems were compatable. The down side is the few parts Jeff mentioned. The upside is the paperwork is done for you. You can use either AK or ACA data. Once you go to the new axles, you wont have to go back for small tires either. Your old ones can be paper weights. :p