Cabin Room in a Cruisair


New member
How does the cabin in a 14-13 compare to the cabin in a 14-19? Are they close to the same dimensions?? I am looking to perhaps purchase a 14-13-2 but have never been in the cabin of one. I went flying in Mark's O-435 14-19 here in Minnesota and loved it. The cabin was big enough for my needs but he mentioned the Cruisairs are smaller. Is the Cruisair really that cramped??


Its about 4 inches smaller and the seats really don't adjust. The backs move forward and back 1 inch when you remove a bolt. The 14-19 is really a lot closer to the Viking in room and performance. I still love my 14-13-2 :lol: :lol:
If its just two seat flying a cruisair is fine. I looked at Vikings, Masters and the end I bought the Cruisair. :D

It was a matter of reasonable performance vs initial cost vs step up in complexity. I didn't have tailwheel endorsement nor complex endorsment so the lower speeds give me a little more time to adjust.

The size was right for my young family. With the way my boys eat, I already know I will need a Master or Viking in a few years. The initial cost could not be beat, which let me upgrade a couple items and hangar it.

Size is not as much an issue for 3 or 4 (yipes) adults, as is power. It's actually roomier in the rear seats. I'd rather have 230 horses for climb though.

When it comes time to move up I'll have a little more change, experience and definitely smiles from my time with this little bird.
This past weekend, I went to Portland, Maine and checked out Bob Ware's 14-13-2. I decided to buy it right then and there. Bob is a real craftsman and his plane is just beautiful. As for the size, as we are not too tall or heavy, the plane will fit us just fine. It is "cozy" but still a huge improvement over my Ercoupe. After flying my Ercoupe for a year and a half and feeling like a sardine, anything else looks huge!! I'll pick up my new Bellanca in a few weeks when it is finished with it's annual.

Looking forward to owning and flying the "Cardboard Connie"

hey tim!

not to put too fine a point on it, but you might as well learn now: it's not a "cardboard connie". it's a 14-19 SEC! (Single Engine Constellation) HAW! :D

welcome to the fold of the faithful, brother tim. may your wood be ever 20% humid. :wink:

blue skies,
vic & N522A
the 14-13 is 41 inches wide at the shoulders tapering to 38 (?) wide at the feet.
If it is indeed 41 inches at the shoulders, it's 2 inches wider there than a Cessna 172 :D

I can't even imagine the kind of room you 'Master/ Viking folks must have...

I once flew a Howard DGA-15P. It was so roomy I felt like I was in the cockpit of an airliner! Nice flying bird too.
Good choice! Where do you expect to keep your Bellanca when you get it here? I am just getting the wings back on a '46 14-13-2 out at Fleming Field in Inver Grove. When you yours up here could I take a look at it sometime? There's a couple details I'd like to check out before I completely re-assemble mine.
I plan to pick it up over Labor Day weekend. I'll be hangaring it at Airlake (KLVN) down in Lakeville. You can email me directly at We can get together sometime after Labor Day.

Seats in the 14-13-3 are different and are adjustable.
You'll love it! I got our Cruisair almost a year ago now, and we've loved it- It's a great plane to fly!
I tell people my Cruisair is the perfect size for the "average" guy, like me: 5'10", 170 lbs. I can fit comfortably in the left seat, but if I were any taller, I think my headset would hit the headliner. The copilot seat, on the other hand, has about 2 extra inches of height due to the door design. It's a great size for 2 adults and lots of bags or 4 adults and less than full fuel with a long runway!