Citabria/ Decathalon

captn kirk

New member
I am looking for my next plane and some what new to the different models what if any difference is there between a citabria 7/8 KCAB and a Decathalon 7/8. My main intrest is speed, fuel, gross wt., + and - g and roll rate. Also other than inverted fuel and oil is there a difference in the GCAA . Is this info on the net or thru the club?
Dear Captain Kirk:

The 7-series are Citabrias; 8KCAB is the Decathlon, 8GCBC is the (non-aerobatic) Scout. Citabria is considered and aerobatic trainer +5 -2 G, thick wing, most models have no inverted flight capabilities. Decathlon, with its semi-symmetrical wing is a good Intermediate aerobat, faster, all models fuel injected and limited inverted (~4 minutes), but lack useful load. New Decathlons (1999+) now have increased gross for non-aerobatic flight only.

We have a publication "Plane Report", presenting pictures, specifications, pilot reports on the various Citabria/Decathlon/Champion models as well as the history of the line.

One big question - how much aerobatic flight do you want to do and to what level ?

The 7 KCAB has a slower roll rate due longer wings, you need muscles like Garth to roll it unless you have spades fitted and there is a large push required for inverted.

Fuel - both will bust your bladder.

G limits are sort of academic, you get a slight increase with the Decathlon but as all the pundits say, you shouldn't need the G limit if you are doing it right :lol:

The advantage of the 7KCAB is better field performance, more stable in the cruise, better load capability.

GCAA and GCBC will allow Sunday aeros but with a sloooooow roll rate, however the GCBC can get in and out of short strips with the flaps.

I have had 2 Citabrias, and am about to move onto a Decathlon, I operate out of 1200' of grass 500ft amsl.
Hi Mike,Thanks for the info. I do not know how much and to what level i will go. After 300 hrs in a pacer i was thinking of doing something different ie a citabria or Decathalon more fun on the way to lunch! :D
If that is your style - definitely go with the Citabria. It is more of a cruiser than the Decathlon - not much stability in the Decathlon, always having to fly it. My Citabrias fly hands off with minor heading changes done on the pedals.
A properly rigged Decathlon cruises quite well actually.
Not to mention faster.

I would suggest you try out everything. I mean, do you buy a car without taking it for a spin? :)
I have not flown others, but i feel my decathlon is very easy to fly. I brought it from ohio to washington state. most of the time hands off. (butt sore too, immediately bought new seats from airtex!). Good hunting.
Hi All, thanks for all the info I do have a couple of hrs. in a decathlon. How much faster is the 8 kcab decathlon vs the 7 kcab citabria :?: given both at a io320
Back in the 1970s, I was flying a 1973 7GCAA and a 1975 8KCAB w/IO-320 and CS prop. I recall the Decathlon was consistently 20 mph faster in cruise.