citabria on floats

Barbara Hunt

New member
My husband and I recently purchased a 7gcbc which we launched on floats today! We landed safely on the lake where we live and look forward to wonderful experiences on floats. Any other float fliers in the club?
Barbara :D

I don't do it often but I have a seaplane rating. Got mine in a 90hp Champ a few years back.

I got a couple hours in it last fall, right before the lakes got hard for the winter. 'Tis a blast! Plenty of lakes here in Minnesota, too.

One of my brothers has a Husky A1B on amphibs, so I get to go as rear-seat ballast sometimes. He's enroute to Alaska right now, along with a PA-12 and a Pacer (both on wheels).

Jon B.
Hi Jon,
Sorry I didn't get back to this until we had a few days of rain settle in. We've been having a great time with the plane. Took a trip out to Speculator, NY in the Adirondacks for the seaplane fly-in. It was perfect weather, and spectacular sight seeing along the way. The folks up there were very inviting and loved the seaplane. We've also been flying in and out of the lakes here in Eastern MA, but hope to get out to MN when we have the time. A dream of course is to fly to Alaska some day. I'm currently reading a book on Alaskan women pilots. I trained in a PA-12, what a great plane. Stay in touch.
Barbara Hunt
Hi Barbara
Congratulation on your float plane. I own a 7GCBC on floats with Edo 2000 floats and the 0-320 engine. I also have the 80" 40 Pitch seaplane prop. I flew mine from Northern Ontario in Canada to Rangely Maine this summer.

Tom Fraser
Hi Barbara:

I have a 1977 7GCBC on EDO 2000 floats and keep it on Little Sebago Lake just north of Portland,Maine. My wife and I have had numerous hours flying the plane throughout Northern New England. We find it very comfortable,performs well and most of all now--very economical. Good Luck with your plane.

Hi Barbara;
I am hoping to take a trip to NW Ontario to look at a 76 7GCBC on floats; and by coincidence your post about your airplane was the first one I looked at on this forum! I'm glad to hear you two like your new plane. Just curious, what's the empty weight of your plane on floats compared to the gross weight? I understand with full fuel the Citabria is quite limited as far as load goes.