Citabria Sun Visor


New member
June 28
Santa Fe

Anybody out there have real-world experience with the $89 Sun Visor advertised through this site ? The ad is pitifully weak on details.
How does it attach: sunction cups; clamps ?
What's the min-max (high-low) position change involve ?
How tricky is it to pop in or pop out during flight ?
Any detailed install pix ? Anybody got a pdf of the instructions that can be posted ?

If it's the cat's meow, fine, otherwise seems most of this can be duplicated for about $20 at AutoZone.

Thanks -

Jim Robins
From the Yahoo site (can't search here): "Can't go wrong with a Rosen. They have a new mount that attaches to
one of the forward frame tubes. I just put one in my 7GCBC and love it!"

Rosen is what I will get someday. As for the one listed on this side, looks like it would function well, but I don't care for the appearance.

Presently I'm using some of the window tint film. Looks decent and works pretty well.

A ball cap also helps.
To Sunderland -

My sentiments also. My Cubs cap works swell, but I will checkout Yahoo site for moreinfo on the Rosen.
The Rosen suite of products are as outrageously priced as they are wonderfully crafted.

Go Cubs !

Have had the SunShield on my 7GCBC for over a year ... works fairly well ... only complaint is the instability of the installation ... might work better with a four-point connection than the present three-point ... with that said, does anyone know the source for the rubberized metal spring clips? .. Chuck Maus ..
Hi Chuck -

Thanks for your post. I don't have a source for the "clips," but your post answered 10 questions in 1. I'm thinking the tube mount hardware from Rosen, which they do sell seperately, and a transparent dark green piece of plexi cut locally to fit my windshiled and drilled to fit the Rosen hardware. Sounds like a big deal but it's really not, so long as I supply the template. I send a picture if and when I complete this project.

Jim robins
Jim ...

Your plan for a visor sounds bullet proof .. good luck ... did some searching on the web and located the source for the vinyl covered "gripper clips" used on the current application ... if anyone's interested, go to (The Arhtur Platt Co.) .. part number FB-FL ... $1.64 a piece

take care, Chuck
I've had the club sun visor on my 7GCAA for over a year now. It works great and I really love being able to adjust down for afternoon landings to the west! It is very stable and attaches with clips to the frame and has a velcro strap to lock in the regular position. To adjust down for afternoon work, you unvelcro the top clip and rotate down and attach the bottom clip.
I got a peice of static cling sunshade material for about $5.00. It's about 5 by 12 inches. I put it where I want it and wear my ball cap for the west in the afternoon stuff.
I purchased one of the sun visors a few years back and felt it done a good job. I broke the original in half this spring (stupid) and didn't realize how much I depended on it until it was gone. What else can you buy today for $89.00? I intend to purchase a replacement sheet locally, use the old one for a pattern, however, will have the sheet trimmed on the bottom a little to suit my vision. I purchased a new seat cushion and I am now sitting up higher than normal.

Let us know how trimming the bottom works. I love mine, but the bottom edge is right in my line of sight. I have been thinking of doing this myself.

Hi Bill
I have been unable to find replacement material for my visor. I may have to order a new unit??
If I decide to trim, I will let you know the results. I replaced my seat cushions and this created my problem as the new seats were marginally higher and this placed my line of sight in an uncomfortable position.
Hi Tom,

Yeah, I got Oregon Aero cushions which are really comfortable and raise me up just enough that the visor splits my line of sight. Looks like the same problem you have.

I had not been interested in the visor until about a week ago when I was flying into the sun.

I ordered one a couple days ago. :)

I made my first flight with the visor and find that it is pretty much out of my normal vision. Even at 6'2", the bottom of the visor in the "up" position is just above my line of site. Unfortunately, I did not get to test blocking the sun on this flight.

I have found one issue with it though. Again, because of my height and that the front seat of my Citabria is fixed, I find I bump my head into the visor getting in and out. Not a big issue as long as I don't gum up the visor with hair goo :shock:

Further to my post above, I ordered a second sun visor and it fits much better than my earlier one.
It seems to swing a little higher out of the way when moved up and it now has a strap (Velcro) that holds the unit in place. For $89 I am more than happy. Good Job.
Rosen will be adding Champion products to their AML of the Cub/Husky STC this fall. I don't know what took them so long.

I said I would do it as a minor, but that means they would have to sell through ACA
It's a clamp on to a tube setup, but almost anyone's definition (including the FAA's guidance) that is a minor mod. Do you 337 your clamp on GPS mounts?