Citabriapilots Group


New member
I'm sure a lot of you are like me , you use both this forum and Citabriapilots group. Is it me or is the group not working, see no activity at all.


Interesting, it's been unavailable since Sat., in the past when that occured ir come back on-line within a short while, I've checked my other groups and they are all OK.


Speaking up again as an ignorant novice, what is Citabriapilots group and where is it located on the world wide web?

Joe in MT
Look at Yahoo Groups and search for Citabriapilots. It's just another forum dealing with the Aeronca, Champion, Citabria and ACA aircraft.


I e-mailed the moderator late last week, he had been unaware and was going to look into the problem.

It looks like this is the forum to get information on the forums that are currently inop and to start forums on the topics that are covered in this forum.
The Yahoo group is just a huge email list. I really don't care for it, personally. This is a real forum with real forum tools.

I only wish Bob could turn up a few features like the NAA site.
Maybe like:
1) Larger signatures (regardless of my poor spelling) :p
2) Avatars
3) Quotes
4) Clickable links
5) Images would be nice too.
Dear Jerry:

Forum improvements awaiting new release and more resources (as in money!) However:
1) Next release
2) Possibly next release
3) Quotes are redundant, as you should review previous posts to get an idea of subject
4) Links work now if you put http:// in front
5) will consider, but most technical postings don't require them.

All of the above should be done by the time I receive that article you promised for the last couple of years ;-)
