Cleaning dirty and Oxidized Fabric


New member
Is there any product that I should NOT use in cleaning the painted surface? The tops of the wings are real dirty and oxidized and someone told me not to use 409. Anyone have comments before I make a mistake?
You already used soap and water, I am assuming?
Like Dish Soap or Car Wash. Both are generally mild, depending.
No, I haven't done anything yet. I've owned and cleanded metal airplanes but I dont have any experience with fabric planes and I dont want to do something wrong without asking questions. :)
I use the Mr. Clean spotless car wash system. Once you get the dirt off you will see what you have or haven't got left to work with.
Ok, so it sounds like I could use any normal cleaning product that I would use on any other plane and it wont hurt the fabric? Like concentrated 409, Simple Green, Krudcutter,etc?
If you have not already, use a milder soap and suds it up real good (Again, car wash or dish soap). You might not need the harsher detergents in 409. etc.

There is no clear coat, so try to minimize the abrasive item (sponge, rag, mop, bikini, etc) that you use to scrub with.