

New member
Poly Fiber cover: $400
stitching needles: $12
Your wife letting you cover in the dining room: Priceless
:D :D
Double D where did you find a women like that!
What's in your Wallet? Lynn N9818B :shock:
It's a bit of a secret, but most RN's are pretty durn practical. A little messy at home (they have to be so clean at work is my hypothesis), but oh man, are they great ladies :D
Will have to re-stitch the elevators. They have a little curvature chord-wise from my pulling the lacing chord down just a little too tight. :?
Hard to keep clean, isn't it? :roll:

I think next time we'll go with something in brown, black, and gray. That white shows EVERYTHING!
Yup, light colors are harder to maintain but it's in the dining room and kitchen, any part of airplane making its way there would be at my risk! Ooooh la,la! :roll:
I'll stick with my garage.