Compass Deflection

Tom Fraser

New member
Last year at the end of the season, I was unable to adjust my compass. I assumed (shame on me) that the compass was defective. I purchase a new compass (for my 7GCBC on Floats) same thing. I now figure that I have a magnet field in the aircraft that needs attention. Has anyone out there every used a Gauss meter to find the problem. Also, have you ever used a degausser to remove the problem field? Any hints and or suggestions would be a big help. Getting ready for the summer season.
Tom Fraser
Are the avionics powered up or off? Have you systematically tried to determine if was EMF generated from avionics, strobes, etc....
You may want to talk to some avionics shops. The shop that installed an Aspen for me deguassed the fuselage where the AHRS was mounted. Apparently they are very sensitive to magnetic fields as they gave me a sermon about never using power screw drivers in that area.