Compass mount


New member
Anyone have a stock compass mount for a 14-13-3 that they might want to sell? Or can someone perhaps take some pics of their overhead bracket so that I can fabricate something? I removed my panel mount as it was practically useless due to magnetic interference.

Thanks for the pic blimpy and the offer Larry!
I am certainly not in any rush as I have plenty of work to do on other areas of the bird so would be grateful if you could have a look when convenient Larry. Failing that, it looks quite straight forward to fabricate something up.
Cheers gentlemen!
I found mine too, it's just been hanging around the hanger so I'm in Eugene Oregon and Grant is in the Bay area so whoever is closer probably be the best source
That's fantastic guys, cheers! I'm in London Ontario Canada so I think it's a long haul from the west coast either way but happy to cover cost of shipping. I shot Grant an email.
Thanks gentlemen.