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I own a 99 8KCAB with 1000 hrs. I plan on performing the 1000 hr Front Strut Inspection as required by the Airworthiness Limitation section in the Service Manual and Service Letter 414 issued by American Champion... The language in this document is strong that this is a required inspection to maintain Airworthiness.

Some of my local expects (hanger queens, A&Ps & IAs) say this inspection is not mandatory as it is only a service bulletin and I do not fly the aircraft commercially. I have heard this argument before, but I have also performed a quick read of 91.403 which seems to support the mandatory argument.

I planned on performing the inspection regardless, however does someone have any definitive information on what is actually required to maintain airworthiness since I do not fly the aircraft commercially? Does it matter that the inspection is required in the airworthiness limitation section of the Service Manual or not? I am trying to educated myself and my local experts also.
Service letters are not manditory as a private owner unless stated so by a document that is required and says the letter is too. (best example: AD)

That part has 'Instructions for Continued Airworthiness'. That means those instructions are indeed required for sign off. Think of it as an AD without all the drama. Newer and larger planes rely on this style heavily; so its more normal than not.