control hinges loose


New member
My 14-19-2 flap hinges and aileron hinges are showing play at the bolts, wear on the hinge hole, has anyone fitted bushing to repair elongated holes. If so what dimensions and material was used. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Matt, I replaced the flap hinges on the crate with new bushings from AAC. I still have play in the aileron hinges and don't really know how to solve this. So I am in the same boat. Every Cruisemaster I have looked at has lots of play so we are not alone in sharing this problem. Lynn :roll: addendum I checked a 1978 S Viking today and it had 1/2 slop in the ailerons-both sides. Same set up as our -2's. :shock:
I don't have problems with loose hinges at this time, but I do have a problem with the flap hinges.
I've been working on increasing the cruise speed, and noticed the flaps were set rather low with trim blocks.
I started trimming the flaps higher toward the specified book positions. The plane sped up some, and roll to the left was reduced.
Then I noticed the right flap touches the wing in a line above the leading edge of the flap.
The left flap hinge holds the left flap lower, with a visible gap at the top of the flap. That must indicate that the flap hinges are different lengths beneath the wing.
I would like the remake these to fit better, but radio and pitot-static issues probably need looking into first...
Thanks for the replies. starting and annual this week with the first proirity to address this issue. Most likely with milled bearings for the alierons and the outer flap hinges. bronse or impegrated brass for lubication. The question will be to what specs. or how tight. Presently showing no indication of flutter or binding of copntrol surfaces. But the flap hinge does show a concerning elongcation.
If you decide to take the ailerons off, check the brackets in the wings. About half of mine were loose because of wood shrinkage over the years. I had to shim them to retain the correct position and prevent overtightening the bolts. Don't want to crush that wood!