Control Stick with less bend


New member
I have a 1998 GCBC. The control stick has a large bend in it, consequently when pulled full aft there is only 10" between the stick and the seat back. I am thicker than 10" so I cannot get full stick deflection.

Does anyone know if there is a different stick available that would have less of a bend than the stock stick?
Do you have the 4" back and seat cushions? Going to thinner cushions will move you down and back more than you think.

I needed more leg room but it should help the mid section stick clearance also.

Air Tex Interiors made a set for me.

I believe there were 3 different sticks.
There were the old Bellanca sticks, then ACA had a different stick for the back when an adjustable front seat was used, now ACA has 1 stick PN for front and rear, regardless of which seat is used. If I remember correctly the old Ballanca stick would give you the most room at full aft deflection in the back seat.
You can adjust the elevator turn barrels under the floor just aft of the rear stick to move the stick fwd, however you Must be sure the back stick does not contact the back of the front seat back at full fwd defection. It ends up a give and take thing.
Check the cushions first as above.
Bill B
I am not sure how thick my seat cushions are

They are factory stock, do not look 4" thick.

I have not been able to find any different STC'd stick.

A tread mill was suggested.........

Very sad, I love flying this aircraft, but cannot continue without full control authority