Correct attitude for weighing


New member
Hi, can anyone confirm the precise weighing attitude for a Citabria AC 7KCAB, and what are the appropriate datums for main wheels and tail. I'm having some trouble confirming correct C of G which seems too far forward on the subject aircraft, and I currently have no explanation for this.

Many thanks,

Gordon Smith
Take a look at the TCDS A-759 (Google search "tcds A-759")

This lists all the weights, arms CG's limts of all the 7 series.

Main wheels are under item# 201 arm = 0 inches
tail wheel are under item#202 arm = 186 in. for most to 191 in.

Also look under there is a factory W&B form for a 7AC
showing that the aircraft should be checked in level flight ( level at side window frame or floorboard.

Many thanks, it seems that there is a problem with foreward c og g on this aircraft, not unususal with citabrias i believe.