Corroded Wheels 01 7GCBC


New member
2001 7GCBC, I have some significant pitting in my aluminum there a specific tolerance or should I wire wheel it and repaint them aluminum color and call it good? Or just replace them? The plane spent its early years in southern Texas.
Hi a wire wheel should never be used on alum. the wire will stick in the alum and cause even more corrosion. You could use a brass brush, or scotch brite pads and MEK or lacquer thinner to clean them up and them paint.
Well with out seeing them it hard to say, just how badly corroded are they? A few pits lots of pits shallow or deep pits or large continuous corroded areas?
Hi tk, I wouldn't worry about that, just clean up the areas , there are several ways to go, if you know of a shop with a smaller blast cabinet it could be cleaned using glass beads or walnut shells NO Sand it will eat up the alum very fast. Or use a brass or SS brush to clean the areas, clean with MEK and using alodine would be the best, but zinc chromate prime would be next best and lastly any primer. if you google alum cleaners etc you will find many things to use.
Good luck with your wheels.