Cosmetics Question


New member
Have a couple of minor damage areas in the fabric of a late model ACAC aircraft. Looking for a repair to stop the growth of the damage area. Received a suggestion to use vinyl adhesive sign material if a color match can be found and simply paste the vinyl material over the damage. Another suggestion is just to put a few drops of glue on the areas to stop the progress. There's concern that the few drops of glue might just dissolve the fabric and really create a problem.

Any comment??
If the fabric is dacron, and the paints and glues vinyl-based, I think your first suggestion has merit. Whatever you use needs to be flexible, though, and also needs to protect against UV degradation of the underlying fabric.

I was faced with a half-dozen areas of paint damage on my rebuild project. What starts as a half-dollar sized spot in reality was pretty extensive. I kept peeling off large sections of paint, which was not adhering to the underlying fabric. If the paint is bubbling and sloughing off, you really need to remove it until you get to an edge where the paint is no longer peeling.

Once you have located the sound edge of the area, you'll need to build up the now depressed and ugly section. My Citabria uses the "Poly" system, so I brushed by hand several coats of Poly-Spray, the silver stuff, and feathered the edges between coats with 320 wet/dry paper, used wet. When it had built up enough, I shot some color, and if done right, you can barely see the repair.

For very small areas, I used a putty knife and some epoxy to both build up and secure/stabilize the damage. Epoxy sticks to everything, and if you mix in some micro-balloons or some other filler, it sands and handles better.

If you've got some paint-chipped areas, and want to secure the edge, try some MEK with a small rag. The MEK dissolves and removes the vinyl-based paints, and turns a thick, chipped-paint edge into a smoother and thinner area, which again you can build up with some Poly-spray (if using the poly system), then shoot the color.
Hello Swede -

Thanks so much for your comments and suggestions. Particularily from someone "whose been there, done that". We are dealing with very small areas, so we'll likely try the vinyl sign material approach until it blows off!
Hello Swede - Have given your very helpful and much appreciated comments some further thought. My impression is that our damage or wear areas are small compared to the ones you reported having and might be corrected using the epoxy adhesive repair you mentioned or the vinyl sign material. The adhesive surely should stop the progress of the damage. I guess my question is how effective would you think the epoxy adhesive is as a uv blocker to prevent fabric degradation?

As you have likely quessed, you have a newby at this end of the wire, so my questions and comments might seem a little .... well, "off the wall".

Anyhow, thanks very much.
