Cruisair trimtab hardware

meat n the seat

New member
Hello to all here at the club. I'm a new member having just had the pleasure of buying Merritt Marquiss's 47 Cruisair. I never met Merritt, but his father is a great guy. Flew from North East WY down home to Northwest NM the otherday. Great Plane!!!

I do have one question if someone has time. Is the trimtab hardware still available for the elevator area? Specifically, the brackets and threaded rods. There is some play in the trim tab due to these parts. Thanks in advance and it sure looks like you guys have a great club.

Pete Nadon
Aztec, NM
I couldn't help but stop in to read what's going on in Bellanca world. You might holler at Ted over in Spearfish, he might be able to get you fixed up with the parts you are needing. He always has a knack for finding things given a little bit of time. I think his card is either on the log book bag, or probably in the bag somewhere. I sure hope you enjoy the airplane, I sure did. Dad made it sound like the trip down to NM was fast and efficient. We are still looking for some clear weather to pick the 170 up in TX, and find time to go retrieve his new toy, the bonanza in AZ. Fun, fun, fun.

Hope you can find what you need, ahhh the joys of owning airplanes, seems like the little things never stop.
Hi Pete! I am in the process of restoring a 47' Cruisair and my trip tab
hardware is also "loose and sloppy". I visited with a friend who flys his 47 and his came "unputtogether" in flight. He said that his yoke moved forward and back a little as the wind moved the trip tab, but it wasn't anything scary. His friend, a machinist, simply make one for him. I thought they would be better if they were satinless steel or anything harder than brass, but I guess the brass has worked fro seventy years so maybe it isn't so bad.

I stopped at Spearfish once at sunset on my way to Blakesburg. Nice runway...nice folks.

That Banana will make you miss your Cruisair...unless the Bo has a yaw damper. Plus there's the matter of all that excessive airspeed Bonanzas put out.

Thanks for the reply Merritt! Love the plane! Telll your father thanks for all of his help. Thanks for your reply Gary.I guess I'll be able to fabricate the parts if nothing else.
I'll pass the word along to dad. If I find any other Bellanca stuff while I'm unpacking boxes from the big move north, I'll be sure to pass them your way. And don't forget about coming up to the fly-in this summer if you get a little time, we'll keep you posted on the date.
You can remove the play in the square sliding tube part of the trim actuator with thin brass sheet . USE brass, not any other metal like stainless. The brass is SUPPOSED to be softer so as to wear faster and save the other "structural" metal. I talked to an "old timer" who worked for Piper back in the 40's and he said that the brass was placed in the jack threads of the trim system because other dissimilar metals galled and would actually seize when they wore against each other. The same reason that the jack screws in the 14-12 landing gear actuators ran through a brass trunnion!!