Cruisemaster Buyer Seeks Advice


New member

I currently own an Ercoupe that I'm in the process of selling. I've found an interesting 14-19-3 for sale in Wisconsin that I plan to go look at next week. My Ercoupe has been a real gem - very little maintenance beyond oil changes and lubrication. It is so simple that nothing ever seems to go wrong. But, I need more room and would like more performance. I've always liked the Bellancas and the 14-19-3 is a sweet combination of high performance, unique style and sufficiently modern engine/systems. I've read a few posts about these aircraft needing "a lot" of maintenance. The big question mark is how much maintenance is "a lot" and what kinds of things should I expect? I plan to fly 1-2 times a week on local hops and on monthly trips between Minneapolis, Chicago and St Louis. I do plan to do a good pre-buy and to keep the bird in a heated hangar. Any and all advice would be appreciated.

There seems to be plenty of support from the factory in Alexandria.It's nice to get a newer engine with factory support.I've found the maintenance to be rather low---after a re build.Surely It's going to be more than your current aircraft. They are a heck of a lot of fun. Good luck!

Where in Minnesota are you?? I keep my Ercoupe at Airlake. Do you have a Cruiseair/master?? I'm planning to take out my Ercoupe this Saturday. Perhaps we could meet up - I'd sure love to check out one of these birds.


Saw your post on the Cruisemaster. Did ever get over WI to take a look at it? Is this the one owned by a crop-duster named Jim (sorry no last name)? He knew a guy my dad used to crop dust with in ND. I live in Fridley and just bought a restored Bellanca Cruisair 14-13.

Kent Berdahl
Tim I live just south of airlake on a private 3000 ft strip. Come and see the 14-19 sometime. Mark (612)385-1863
I'm interested in a Cruisemaster. The one I found has a Lycombing O-435. Is this a good engine or does it tend to be 'problematic'. It has 1250 SMOH. What is TBO on this engine?

And one more question... What type of problems/costs is typicle of the landing gear on Cruisemasters?

Jeff, I can't speak for the Lyc, I got a Cont. The gear is motorcycle simple. There is no air in the system just one O ring and some Hydrulic 5606 fluid, You can rebuild it in no time and it is very reliable. AAC has all the parts like taxi springs and such. I really love the way it works on my 14-19-2 Cruisemaster. LYNN N9818B :D :D
Jeff you can go to the Lycoming web site and get all the info on the 0-435 you want. I have had no pronblem finding parts though I'm sure there getting more rare. Reno parts has almost all the parts you'll need. As for the gear it is Very simple. There is a engine driven pump, with a hand back up. The gear is SUPPOSED to free fall with the loss of all hydraulics. You can also make a gear up landing and POSSIBLY do almost no dammage! Be sure to check the wood wings over carefully for rot.Good luck Mark.