I should preface these comments by saying I don't have a bunch of time in decathlons. Here are my observations, for what they're worth...
Defining the mission is sometimes difficult. If you think you'd want to do more acrobatics, the decathlon is the plane to have. It's got a semi-symmetrical (NACA-1412 airfoil) wing, inverted oil and inverted fuel for 2 minutes, a shorter wing with less dihedral.
I can't imagine a 2600' grass field would be problematic for any of the citabria or decathlon variations. I routinely visit a 2600' grass field that has 30' trees at one end and after landing still have plenty of runway left. If I remember, the next time I go flying I'll bring along the camcorder and post a youtube video for you.
Metal vs. wood spar is probably a debatable topic. I've heard from certain acrobatic 'purists' that wood is the way to go. Of course, if it's properly cared for, inspected, etc. I'm not sure that you'd go wrong with either one, if the spar (metal or wood) is in good condition. I bought my decathlon with about 200 hours since a major renovation. The multitude of inspection panels on the bottom side of the wing allowed for a complete inspection of the spar. After inspecting the plane I was confident that the spar was in excellent condition. I went into the inspection probably with similar concerns as yours and left wondering how lucky I was to find such a great plane.
If you don't have a real preference, then find the best example of either model that you can, and buy it. I don't know what your budget is, but it would seem to me if you could spend a little extra upfront for a good example, you MAY be money ahead down the road.