Decathlon CS AEIO 320 engine vibration


New member
I am experiencing a high frequency harmonic airframe vibration that is felt through the rudder peddals, seat frame/airframe etc. appears to happen when the prop rpm is between 2200 and 2700. changed engine mounts, prop track checked. examined engine compartment numerous times with no defects. Prop hub is approx 50 hours old which terminated the inspection/AD etc. Any ideas?? is not airspeed related..
When you changed the engine isolator mounts were they the Lord type?

The conical hard rubber type give a moderate vibration in the airframe especially felt in the rudder pedals.

You might also check the engine mount to firewall bolts - make sure they are torqued properly.

Also check the mount itself for cracks.

Bill French
The mounts were lord type conical mounts, J 6230-1.. This is what was listed for A/C.. Can I use another type? Dynofocal etc? what options do I have? I properly torqued mount to firewall . I have been all around the engine compartment with no defects!!