Decathlon Gear Nuts


New member
I have a 1973 Decathlon. I am in the process of removing, painting, and replacing the landing gear. The outboard attach harware consists of a bar, bolt with 5/16 allen head, and a nut like which I have never seen. All three nuts holding each gear is of the same type. The nuts look like they are driven by some type of tool that will match the tapered spline on the outside of the nut. These nute look like the driving part of a drill chuck key turned upside down. Anyone know what these are, and how to remove them?

Kind of hard to tell without seeing it, but it sounds like a 12-pt nut. I regular 12-pt wrench or socket should take it off.
I am told it is a zep nut. I am also told a 12 point socket will take it off. I will try today. I tried to google Zep nuts and got nothing. There must be another name. This thing is tapered.

Ok, the 12 pt socket worked on the Zeb nuts. Next, I need service letter C135, anyone able to scan and attach it to an e-mail? It was followed in 1994 about 400 hrs ago. The question is do I or don't I replace the nuts and bolts at this time, while the gear is off. I believe the price of the nuts and bolts is around $600.00. Also, I would expect the inboard bolt is under tension while the outboard bolts would experience more shear forces. The shear forces would be caused by heavy breaking or rough terrain while the inboard tension on the bolt caused by hard landings. I have also been told by a noted mechanic that the nust and bolts are standard AN or MS numbers. The original parts catalog does specifiy std. nust and bolts. My bet is that C-135 specifies something different. Any information or opinions would be appreciated.
