Decathlon Performance

mike newall

New member
I flew a Decathlon this week, rebuilt, very tidy, zero engine, zero prop etc, 150hp motor.

With 2 up (185lbs/190lbs), 2/3rds full tanks, OAT 85 f, 25/25, 70 mph, why were we only getting 3 - 500 fpm ROC ?

I admit when we levelled, it gathered it's skirts and we were doing 120 quite quickly but as I am currently in a 150 hp 7GCBC, I would have expected a bit better than that.

I know it's got less wing, I know it's semi symmet, but what concerns me is what happens when you start doing aero's - sadly I couldn't do any because this one only had lap straps - in a Decathlon ?


Puzzled of England.
Was it a Fixed Pitch Prop?
Sounds like a cruise prop.

150 HP 8KCAB doesn't have anymore HP than your 7GCBC...... :wink:
No, it was a CS prop, all fresh from overhaul. I assume 25/25 was a sensible climb setting and about 70mph - the owner didn't seem to offer any other suggestions.

I wondered about rigging ? If you have had the thing torn down for a recover and rebuild is there any chance of getting the rigging out?
The book says that the best rate of climb of 880 fpm at SL + Standard Temp and pressure is 74 mph, full throttle (2700rpm). This is at gross (1800 lbs)

I usually use 76 mph and 2600 to get out of the pattern then go to 80-100 at 2500 for cruise climb depending on how hot it is.

Best angle of climb is supposed to be 63 mph.
Thanks Niccolai,

While the airplane was very nice, there was something sounding a little warning bell in my head. I will pass on this one.