Does Anyone Have Firestone Brakes on their Cruisair?


New member
The Cruisair I am buying has Firestone brakes. I find no reference for these in my handbook or on the internet. I got to see them disassembled and they appear to be a good brake. It is unique in that it has an internal circular pad that pushes inboard to grip 360 degrees. The owner says it is,"a hell of a good brake." Do you have any comments on them??

mplstim said:
The Cruisair I am buying has Firestone
brakes. I find no reference for these in my handbook or on the internet.

Take a look at the Type Certificate Data Sheet A-773

They list the Firestone.

They are on there by gosh..... I am curious as to how they perform and if there are any operational or mainteance quirks with them.

One correction to my first post. The pad is pushed outboard to grip the "disc" that is part of the outboard wheel half.


They are the same as Bodell.

Firestone sold them to Adams, to Bodell, and now are owned by James Greene.

He has the PMA and all the parts to replace any worn parts and sell you a new set of wheels and brakes.

1-770-446-6797 is his phone. You can also e-mail him at
I actually like my Bodell brakes on my Cruisair, but due to parts availability, etc, was concerned about if I could keep them. Next, we'll look at what it costs to keep them up! :shock:
Jim Greene supports them very well. He even donated a full repair and reline kid to the Emergency Aircraft Rrepair at Oshkosh

Cy Galley - Chair,
AirVenture Emergency Aircraft Repair
A Service Project of Chapter 75
EAA Safety Programs Editor - TC
EAA Sport Pilot