Dogs in Citabrias


New member
Do any of you fly with your dogs. Do you let lem sit in the rear seat ? Do you restrain them ?
Ours is a 45lb Aussie pup, 7 months. Well behaved and doesn't seem to mind the noise so long as he can see me.
Jim Robins
There is a young man at my airport who flies with his dog in a J3. He has a piece of flywood covering the front seat and his dog rides there.

I don't know if he restrains the dog in any way.

Some folks worry about their dog's hearing and put a headset on the dog :shock: .
Robert Flagg brings his "co-pilot" Dundee to our West Coast Fly-In every year in his Champ. Email me offline for contact information.
My son took his Lab for a ride one day. Was almost a disaster, he was stepping all over the rudder cables, his collar hooked the throttle and engine went to idle. Lucky for him he had altitude. Was able to get dog collar off and had him settle down long enough to come back home. Will not take him again unless we can design cable covers. Know now to remove collar too.