Dynon D10A

Larry Lowenkron

New member
I talked to Tom Charpentier of EAA yesterday about adding Cruisairs to the AML for the EAA STC to install the Dynon D10A. He was open to that even though there are so few of us who would probably do it. I also mentioned that there are also a bunch of 14-19 series and some might also be interested. He suggested that I investigate getting a field approval first, and then come back to him. EAA is running the next "batch" of models to add to the AML soon. Overall, he was positive about adding us. Comments?
I would be interested. Hopefully it's the first of many and the FAA will pull their heads out of their asses and we can save GA. I'm not going to lie, if something doesn't change this will be my last non experimental aircraft.
True, True. Stinson6.
I have one certified plane, the 14-19-2. I built an RV-8, and bought a T-18. The Cruisemaster IS my last certified plane.
I have a Dynon D-10a in both experimentals, and would like one in my Bellanca.
My son Peter would probably put one in his 14-19-3A.
I believe the 14-19 series through the viking is on the list for the Garmin G5.
Unless I am missing something, they have similar functionality, no?
Ah ok,
Haven't looked too far into either, except seeing the 14-19's on the AML for the G5 when it came out.
I am guessing that a field approval would not be too difficult if there are hundreds of models on the AML, but why not get it added if they can?