Electrical Problems & Oil Temp Gauge


New member
Robert, in an early post, you commented that your voltage regulator damaged you oil temperature gauge. Can you please elaborate some more.

I have an erratic oil temperature gauge. My problem may not be related , but I am trying to gain some insight before I just change the temperature gauge assuming the problem is just limited to it.

Bill, the scenario went like this:

With no apparent cause, the bus kicked out (ammeter showed discharge) first just occasionally, then more frequently. Resetting the Master usually bought it back online. Decided it was the regulator (original Prestolite unit with Wico electromagnetic overvoltage relay) and replaced it with Zeftronics all-in-one unit. Worked great, except it would still kick out once in a while. After speaking with everyone that would listen (Zeftronics people were great!), it was suggested that something else on the bus could have been cooked, possibly the Master switch, and sporadically putting great demand on the system. Replaced the Master switch (American Champion, pretty reasonable) with no effect. Since the Oil Temp gauge was erratic, it was the next candidate. That did it!

Wish I had a more scientific diagnosis, but all I can offer is conjecture. What is yours doing?


My problem is just limited to erratic temperature indication. Sudden rapid excursions of 30- 40 degrees from cruise temperature upward and quickly settling back down.

Have not seen any thing that might indicate that I have a charging problem. Ammeter is stable after initial battery charge from starting engine. From your response and what I have seen, do not think my similar to yours. I have already looked at the simple stuff such as connections. Time to replace the gauge.

Thanks for your response
