Electronic tachs


New member
One of my goals in my 7ECA rebuild is to have an all-electronic instrumentation in the sense that oil pressure, oil temperature, and the tachometer, will use transducers and sensors to send their info via wiring through the firewall, and to the instruments. I am set up with UMA oil pressure and temperature systems that are FAA-PMA and TSO'd for certified aircraft. All that is left is the tachometer.

Tachometers can use a number of sensors... they can use a rotary transducer on the normal tach port, they can use magneto p-lead attachments, or they can use a hall-effect device installed on the magneto vent. Lots of choices!

Does anyone have an electronic tach that they really like and that is also approved for certified aircraft? There are hundreds of electronic tachs for experimentals, but very few that are approved.
When we do a sound test, the FAA requires a digital tach.
Anyway, the EI tach is approved via the TC and uses the P-leads.
I have installed the Horizon Instruments P1000 Tach in my 8KCAB, I love it.
Big readable #s, dampened just right so the digits don't bounce around, and they set it at the factory to your red line and your Total Time, just connects to your Mags, many other features.
Bill Becker
Thanks guys.

Bill, I looked at the Horizon tach, and I really like it, but they don't have an STC for the 7ECA. I'm still learning about all the legalities that go into parts, and airplane modifications. Is it legal to use the P1000 as the primary tach? If so, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. It was also highly recommended by a buddy of mine. It's ability to monitor and diagnose possible magneto problems is a huge plus, in my opinion.
I own two aircraft, a T-210 and a 7GCAA. I have a Horizon in the T-210 and a EI in the Citabria. I really like the Horizon the best of the two, but I went with the EI tach for the Citabria because I needed something for one of the small holes. Nothing against the EI tach, it works as advertised.
Swede, I got an FAA field approval for my 8KCAB, Horizon was a big help in that process. I heard that they now have it STC'd for replacement of any mechanical tach, but can't verify that. You should call them at:800-541-8128, and see what they say. Bill Becker
Bill, I gave them a call and it is STC'd for a number of aircraft, but not the 7ECA. The guy I talked to was extremely helpful and encouraging, and voluteered to use my installation, if I wanted to do it, in such a manner that the 7ECA would then become part of the STC list. I did not take him up on it, mainly because there is an enormous list of things I must accomplish before the airplane will be airworthy, and it wouldn't be fair or helpful to him to drag it out over months and months.

I'm thinking hard about the UMA series. I bought several UMA instruments and have been impressed with them - clean appearance, good function, at a good price.
I you decide to get a field approval I could send you a copy of my 337 and flight manual supplement. It is not a difficult process but does take a few weeks to get done.
Bill Becker